Should I Accept the Insurance Company’s Settlement Offer?

After an accident or injury caused by another person’s negligence or recklessness, you are entitled to compensation for your physical and emotional damages. However, even if your case is straightforward, you may face complications and obstacles in the settlement process. The primary challenge in obtaining a favorable outcome is the insurance company standing in your way. Ultimately, insurance adjustors want you to accept an offer lower than you deserve.

When an insurance representative contacts you to discuss the details of your injury or accident, you must beware of any tactics meant to displace your concentration and force you to ruin your case. The initial offer may not even be enough to cover any medical expenses, let alone atone for the pain and suffering you have endured. Another underhanded strategy is to push you to accept an offer before your injuries have completely healed.

This is why you should not rush to estimating the extent of your needs, as long as you file your claim before the statute of limitations. Your first offer will almost always only be a percentage of what your claim is actually worth. The best way to combat these potential deterrents is by enlisting the services of an experienced attorney with the negotiation skills to ensure your rights are protected and your voice is heard.

Success-Driven & Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys Proudly Serving Phoenix

Rafi Law Group is comprised of Phoenix lawyers who are committed to delivering you the most optimal results. Following your accident or injury, there is no better legal team to turn to for high-quality counsel and representation. We are unafraid of going to trial on your behalf because we feel no effort is too great when fighting for justice.

Would you like to schedule an initial consultation? Contact us by calling (623) 207-1555.

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