FAQ: Can I Represent Myself in a Personal Injury Case?

When it comes to injury claims, many people are tempted to represent themselves in court. Whether it’s because they feel confident in their skills of persuasion, or they simply don’t want to spend the money, some people will choose to forego hiring an experienced lawyer. Although you can represent yourself in a personal injury case, it is highly recommended that you seek an experienced attorney to assist you. In this blog, we explain why hiring a lawyer can help improve your chances of winning your personal injury case.

Personal injury cases can be very complex, which is why you want an attorney by your side to help you through the process. This is particularly true for larger cases because they often require extensive resources that the average person doesn’t have access to.  Perhaps most importantly, an experienced lawyer can objectively evaluate your case and determine the strengths and weaknesses in your defense or claim. A good lawyer will tell you whether your case is worth pursuing, or if it is in your best interest to settle. This valuable advice can end up saving you a substantial amount of money in the long run.

 Common issues for people who represent themselves include:

  • Litigation Delays
  • Problems with Judicial Impartiality
  • Difficulty Maintaining Control of the Courtroom
  • Failing to Adequately State a Legal Cause of Action
  • Missing Deadlines
  • Unfamiliar with Procedural Formality
  • Low Settlement Offers

Aside from the list above, many people who choose to represent themselves often end up walking away from their case with much less compensation than if they would have hired an experienced lawyer. This is because personal injury law firms have access to a team of investigators, who can sort through the details of your case to find both strengths and weaknesses. If you are considering representing yourself in a personal injury lawsuit, you should considered hiring strong legal representation.

Need help with your personal injury case? Contact our Phoenix team of personal injury attorneys to get started on your free consultation today.

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